Communication Center: Invitations

Invitations for New Users
Option 1: Automated Invitations
The Communication Center is where you can customize your communication settings. The first tab that you are presented with in the Communication Center is Invitations. To send an invitation to new users, select recipients from the dropdown menu and click "Send Invite." You can multi-select Parents/Guardians on an individual basis or via the classroom name. You can also send invitations to members of the school staff. Please note that the emails will be sent in near real-time, via a third-party email service. If the intended recipient does not receive it, it may have been spam-blocked. (If a user does not receive the invitation, you can skip to Option 2). The link contained in the email invitation will prompt the user to immediately change their password. 
The invitation email looks like this (text can not be altered):

Subject:  [SCHOOL NAME] has sent you an invitation!

Greetings [USERNAME],

[SCHOOL NAME] would like to invite you to join Montessori Compass.  Please click on the following link to get started:


If you have already activated your account, please disregard this message. 


Your Friends at Montessori Compass

"Children are human beings to whom respect is due, superior to us by reason of their innocence and of the greater possibilities of their future." - Maria Montessori

Option 2: Customized Invitations via regular email
It is not a requirement to send an automated invitation to a new user. Consider sending a regular email instead. 
All user profiles are active immediately, they just don't know the profile is active nor how to access it until you alert them. You may want to consider supplementing or bypassing the invitation notifications, by sending out email invitations from your school email account. The recipient already knows your email address and it will, therefore, be less likely to be spam-blocked.  You can also customize the intro text however you see fit. All you need to tell them is to visit: The username is their email address and the default password is "password" (unless you manually changed it during the setup process). The user should also be advised to change their password to something private once they login by clicking the Profile link in the upper right of their account. 
Here is a sample email message to get you started:

[SCHOOL NAME] has sent you an invitation!

Greetings [USERNAME],

[SCHOOL NAME] would like to invite you to join Montessori Compass. Please click on the following link to get started:

Your username is the email address you have on file with the school and the default temporary password is "password". When you login for the first time, please click your name in the upper left hand corner and then click the "My Profile" link. Click the "Change Password" link to change your password to something private that you will remember. 

You may access Montessori Compass via the mobile app, available to both iOS and Android users. Please download via the App Store or Google Play. You may also access via the web at

Send a confirmation message via Messaging to confirm parents have logged in. 

When you add a new user, you want to make sure they were successful in logging in, right? So, we recommend that prior to the invitations going out, you send all new users (especially Parents) a message within MC that will be waiting in their Inbox when they log in for the first time. Here you can briefly explain how your school will be using MC and launch the system on the right foot by getting the parents excited about the new dynamic way to see what their children are doing all day. This message will not only introduce MC to the families, but when each user opens the message you will be able to track who has opened it with the timestamped "read" status by opening the message in your own Sent Messages folder. This will let you know that they have successfully accessed their account and know how to utilize the messaging system.
Here's a sample message that you can modify to suit your school's needs: 

Welcome to your Montessori Compass account! 

[SCHOOL NAME] has taken an important step towards bridging the communication gap between home and school. We will be utilizing the Montessori Compass parent portal to stay connected with parents throughout the school year - sharing messages, calendar events, photos, and progress reports. In addition, you will find educational resources about the Montessori Method, courtesy of Montessori Compass and the Montessori Foundation. 

To login to Montessori Compass in the future, we recommend installing the Mobile App on your iOS or Android device. You may also wish to bookmark on your PC or tablet. Your email address is your username and you can set your own private password. 

Please reply to this message to let us know that you successfully accessed your MC parent portal.

We look forward to hearing your feedback!

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